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With the IFYE program, I made my way to Estonia on July 15th. I came across the program through my neighbor, who promised me an unforgettable trip and lots of new and great people! Of course I was skeptical at first and I had the attitude "It can't be that good", but very quickly I realized that I was really going to have an unforgettable time!
This program is not characterized by a work & travel or student exchange, it is intended to increase tolerance towards other cultures and open up to new things! I experience this exchange as a good experience to learn about myself and to grow beyond myself. This exchange offers you the opportunity to help on other farms or in families, but you are not obliged to do anything. You are actually like another family member which makes saying goodbye to some families really hard! I also had a car drive to my new host family with a lot of tears behind me, but in retrospect this makes me stronger because I know that I can always come back and you are also very welcome in Germany! I've already met a lot of new people and I'm looking forward to visiting them again, because if you get involved with the families a bit, you can make friends for life! The first vacation in winter 2022 is already planned to Estonia so I won't be away for too long. After these weeks I'm looking forward to going home, despite everything I'll leave here with a laughing and a crying eye. Through the conferences or meetings, which are planned by the IFYE organizations in the individual countries, you have the opportunity to expand your horizons, travel and meet new people without having to take part in the program again. For me, it's the best decision I could have made, because with this organization you have security and you always have really great and committed contacts in the respective country, who can find a solution for even the smallest problem!
Inga Carina Wolf
IFYE from Germany
Participated in the IFYE program from 15th of July until 4th of September in Estonia

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My name is Sabrina Pirker and I'm a 22-year old Austrian girl. Six months ago I decided to do an IFYE exchange to Estonia. First I wasn't sure, if it was the right decision to choose Estonia, because I didn't really know anything about this country. Furthermore, to be honest, Estonia is not really a typical tourism country. But today I know, that it was the best decision ever! I got to know and love Estonia and all the people living there. It was such a nice, unique and interesting opportunity for me to go abroad for a month. And I would say I was a lucky person. I had such pleasant host families, who treated me like we already knew each other for many years. Even though it was just a short time I really took them all close to my heart. I'm thankful for this amazing experience and I'll definitely come back to Estonia.

IFYE Sabrina from Austria to Estonia
Participated in the IFYE program from 16th of June until 07. July in Estonia, also participated in Estonian 4H summer camp 11.-12. July 2022

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8. augustil startisid 4H noored ja juhendajad reisile Sloveeniasse.  Meie reisil läksime just sinna, mida meie Eestimaal vaadata pole: kõrgeid lumemütsidega mägesid, türkiissiniseid jõgesid ja koski, uskumatult suuri koobaste süsteeme ja ehitusstiililt Veneetsiale sarnanevaid rannikulinnu. Olid Alpid, Pannoonina tasandikud ja karstialad.
Teekond läbi Baltimaade ja Poola, siis juba Tšehhi ja Austria.
Esimene päev oli Sloveenias Bledi kuurortasulas, kus sõitsime “pletna paatidega”. Jõudes sedasi järve keskel asuvale saarele, kus 99 trepiastet viib otse kiriku juurde. Lemmikpaik noorpaaridele. Matkasime Vintgari jõekanjoni radasel, imetlesime Šumi juga. Päeva lõpetasime jalutuskäiguga Bohinji järve ääres, kus oli võimalus ka ujuda. Edasi viis sõit Sloveenia pealinna Ljubljanasse.
Teisel päeval sõisime Velika planina mägede lavamaale. Karjamaa ärkab ellu juunikuu saabumisega – tulevad loomad ja karjused. See on üks kõige arvukamaid siiamaani tegutsevaid karjuste asukondi Euroopas. Üle saja pea maani ulatuva katustega karjusehüti ja alpi karjamaa idüllini jõudmiseks kasutasime Kamniška Bistricast algavate tõstukite abi. Siit tulid ka reisi kaunimad fotod mägedest.
Õhtu veetsime jalutades Ljubljanas. Sloveenia arhitekt Jože Plecnik on suuresti kujundanud linna ilmet – turupaviljonid, kuulus Kolmsild, Lohesild, kirikud, raekoda, purskaevud ja skulptuurid.
Kolmandat päeva alustasime kaljukoopasse rajatud kauni Predjama lossi avastamisega. Sealt juba edasi kõige kuulsamatesse Postonja koobastesse.  Sõit maa all rongiga ja giidi saatel pea 2 kilomeerit jala – imetledes stalaktiidi-stalakmiidi-koobaste võlu. Õhtul külastasime Vrhpolje külakese viinamarjaistandust. Leidsime üles ka järgmised puud: kiivid, hurmaad, kreeka pähklid, granaatõunad, rääkimata laimidest ja sidrunitest.
Neljandal päeval puhkasime Portoroži linnas mere ääres.
Viiendal päeval jalutasime Piranis, mis on justkui koopia üle mere asuvast suurest vennast Veneetsiast. Uidates Veneetsia moodi majade vahel imetlesime ka vaadet Horvaatia rannikule.
Lipica külas külastasime Habsburgide keisrikoja kuulsate valgete Lipica hobuste sünnipaika. Viinis on võimalik vaadata nende hobuste tantsuetendust.
Samal päeval jätkasime juba teekonda Brnosse. Sõit läbi Tšehhimaa ja Poola, edasi läbi Baltimaade tagasi koju.
Oli imeline reis, mille eest täname väga turismibürood Perereisid ja giid Kirstit. Järgmine aasta juba jälle, noorte soovil Pariisi ja loodussõpradega Andaluusiasse.

Inga Raudsepp
Pärnumaa piirkonnajuht

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